I don’t know how the
fuck this happened-- Or when I started craving her presence, her attention, her
company. One minute we were strangers, then acquaintances, now secret lovers.
It only took one night of liquid truth, one night of reckless abandon, and one
night of seeing where the moment takes us. It happened so suddenly, so
She told me I had nice
lips. I blushed graciously. She said she bet they were soft and sweet. I licked
them inadvertently. She told me I was being a tease. I smiled apologetically. She
said she really wanted to kiss me. I paused.
And before I knew it,
her lips were on mine. Her kiss was earnest yet soft, inviting yet commanding. I
was pulling her body towards me and slowly delving deeper into her mouth, her
tongue caressing mine like a forgotten lover. And while I may have been
startled, I was all in. The blood rushed to my head like a kiss from an old
flame, but it was brand new. Half way through I had this moment of clarity,
this moment of we shouldn’t be doing
this… but as quickly as it came it was gone. I surrendered to the kiss
reveling in the perfect passion that was this unforeseen moment. I acted with total disregard of
consequence. Like a naïve teenager on prom night wondering nine months later how did I get here? That’s the thing
about crossing lines, they’re like foreign borders, and the rules are always
different on the other side.
And now I find myself
craving her, like a drug. Like an addict in recovery, I crave her and
simultaneously tell myself-- NO MORE!! I have to stop THIS. THIS can’t end
well, THIS can’t go anywhere, THIS can’t-- this CAN’T—THIS CAN’T--!
But the truth is I can’t!
I can’t stop wanting
her. I can’t stop craving her. I can’t stop smelling her even when she’s not
near me. I can’t stop fantasizing about our kisses, our soft touches. I can’t
stop wondering what her inner soft sweetness tastes like or what she would
sound like moaning my name, begging me to stop, or better, to keep going.
Honestly, I CAN’T!
And I want to
stop trying. To stop fighting whatever it is between us that keeps pulling us
together; that keeps her blushing like a school girl in my presence. That keeps
us doing this dance despite all of the risk, despite all of the potential consequence.
I feel like saying fuck it We're grown! What's to stop us... Fuck the consequence of others, and their feeligs and their LOVE? Just embrace it all; to float through this Wonderland with the same reckless abandon that got me here and hope that nine months from now I know just how I got there.
Wherever that is…
But I CAN'T...
Because we are grown, and there will surely be consequence of this LOVE. Consequence larger than us... And so as I toss and turn these hot summer nights, hands tucked between hot moist thighs these next few days, weeks, months-- writhing in the reality of my withdrawals-- I'll have only the memory of what was and the reality of what should be. And as order is restored our passion that we shared will be but a vague memory; a glance across a room, a bitten lip and smile. Merely traces of what almost was... Consequence.
But I CAN'T...
Because we are grown, and there will surely be consequence of this LOVE. Consequence larger than us... And so as I toss and turn these hot summer nights, hands tucked between hot moist thighs these next few days, weeks, months-- writhing in the reality of my withdrawals-- I'll have only the memory of what was and the reality of what should be. And as order is restored our passion that we shared will be but a vague memory; a glance across a room, a bitten lip and smile. Merely traces of what almost was... Consequence.
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