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Tuesday, August 2, 2011

I just wanna fuck

I. just. wanna. fuck.

I dont want to have any discussions about fucking.

Definitely don't wanna discuss hypotheticals about what could hinder our ability to fuck and how that could fucking hypothetically affect me.

Fuck all of that fucking talk.

Let's wait 'til we're in the fucking moment.

If we can fuck at that time then great.

Else we'll just have to move the fuck on.

MEN can be fucking annoying!

Have you ever just wanted to avoid the drama and fuck???


The Above Average Gatsby said...

Absolutely. Let's skip all of the small talk and all of the drama and just get on with it.

1ManView said...

Yes indeed. I've carefully used my words in a argument, so i won't lose out on a fuck. I have also just said enough and took what i wanted right then and now. It was delicious...

ErikaStarr said...

LOL. In retrospect I could have helped the cause by carefully choosing my words like @1manview.

Anonymous said...

Lady, this has been my attitude during the summer. It's too hot for fucking talking! Just fuck me.

Pink Vixxxen said...

Heh...I love this! I need to print this out onto little cards and hand it to muthafuckas when they step in my house. You know how those deaf people just walk up to you and hand you those sign language cards? That's me. In the club. At the mall. In my from sheet...NO TALKING NECESSARY! SAVE YOUR BULLSHIT. I JUST WANNA FUCK!Please and thank you.