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Sunday, February 7, 2010

Can you take a tongue-lashing?

"Heaven finds an ear when sinners find a tongue" -Francis Quarles

Head is great. Especially head performed for a long time by a cunning linguist. Let's just get it out of the way now, head is fucking great!

So, imagine my Oh-face when I stumbled across this ad for a new sex toy by LoveHoney called 'Sqweel'. Its a 10-tongued wheel (yeah, i said it, 10!) that rotate to simulate a very special Quick-Tongued McGraw. I haven't used it, so I can't officially put the Pink Pussy Stamp Of Approval on it, but it does look amusing, to say the least.

Check it out...


Mistress Bliss said...

As I look at it roll, it seems to be going in the wrong direction.. We lick up with the tip not down the back of our tongues... and this seems painful the consist slapping sensation of 10 unskilled/untrained mechanical tongues disrespecting my clit.

Tell me how it goes Pink.

Pink Vixxxen said...

LOL.. Girl, unless the manufacturer is sending me a free sample, I will not be purchasing the Wheel O' Tongues on GP alone!! LOL, I am curious about it (LoveHoney, if you're reading, hook a Sis up!)