The eyes are supposedly the 'windows to the soul', yet I see them more as the gatekeepers of seduction. As a package my eyes, lips and smile work hand and attract...well whomever. You're either welcomed into my world or you're eliminated before words are even exchanged. Beyond their awesome shape and color, I love my eyes because...well...
they keep me honest...
How truthful have you been lately?
they keep me honest...
How truthful have you been lately?
Happy HNT! Visit Osbasso and see who else is playing!
yes ma'am the gatekeeper is more accurate.
I'm always very truthful. Often bluntly so. Which is what gets people not quite happy with me at times, lol.
Gorgeous picture. Happy HNT!
eyes and existentialism, that's the mood of this hnt week!
your peepers are exotic!
I love your last line (and your eyes)
would you link to my new blog?
I LOVE those eyes. :)
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