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Tuesday, August 4, 2009

TMI Tuesday #198 - Relationships

1. My Family is dysfunctionaly humorous, but loving.

2. Friends are not as important to me as they use to be.

3. Exes are good people to fantasize with.

4. Strangers are not a part of my world.

5. Relationships are wonderful to have when they work.

Bonus: Tell us about your first love: I never knew she was my first love until she broke my heart. We ended our non-relationship and ever so often we chat, each time opens and closes my wounded heart.

Happy TMI Tuesday!

Anything you want to share that's not any of our damn business?

1 comment:

Black Pearl said...

My family is a whole lotta fun at parties

Friends curse out your husband when you ask them to

Exes hold the keys to possibilities

Strangers can be delightful anonymous fantasy partners

Relationships take a lot of practice

First love was my high school sweetheart and we're still friends to this day...we used to always joke that if we were ever to cheat on our spouses it would be with each other