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Thursday, August 27, 2009

HNT: Best Intentions

Life never lets you know where it's going. Sometimes the roller coaster ride makes perfect sense and the scenery is beautiful if not awe inspiring. Other times its best to just hold on tight, and try not to throw up. Six weeks of vacation from my PhD program have passed in relative silence. I've been a very bad blogger and an even worse blog mistress. How have I spent the time? In quiet sometimes naked reflection...

What has the end of summer brought you?

Happy HNT! Visit Osbasso and see who else is playing!



Vixen said...

Sexy....beautiful.... Love it!

Cala Gray said...

Gorgeous picture! HHNT!

Ashly Star said...

Beautiful. Love the text of the post as well. Happy HNT.

Fat Controller said...

Very sensual, very beautiful! Quiet, naked reflection works for me!

pixie said...

What a sensual sexy HNT! Beautiful!


Lil Bit said...

Naked reflection suits you well.
Very sexy!

HHNT! =)

Topaz said...

Seeing you outstretched like that is calming, inviting even, though you look perfectly satisfied without another sole as you lay there. Beautiful!

Anonymous said...

sensuous image here with your hair upon your skin like that, love it

summer over=:(

Hubman said...

6 weeks break from your Ph.D. program? Damn, I never got more than 5-7 days off all through mine!

Happy HNT sexy!

Kimberly said...

Mmmm, beautiful! Gorgeous hair, gorgeous skin, gorgeous you!

Black Pearl said...

This picture is the pure sexual essence that is the Africa woman...just magnificent and your locks are beautiful!!