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Thursday, July 30, 2009

HNT: I crave it.

I have something to confess,
On the move or while at rest,
I see visions of the breast,
All round
and juicy.
I crave it.
- sridhar v ramasami

He's talking about food, but he could as well be talking about the breast in it's human form. If I'm honest, I'd admit that the breast is my favorite part of the female body. Yet although I love mine, I hunger for others' even more...

Happy HNT! Visit Osbasso and see who else is playing!



Sexy PTA Mom said...

Those are certainly plump and lovely!! The variety of breasts is a wonderful thing!

Dangerous Lilly said...

They're obviously lovely and beg to be fondled and sucked, but thats not the female body part i'm craving lately, lol

Vixen said...

Perfectly LOVELY!

Anonymous said...

Vixen said it best...Perfectly Lovely!

Anonymous said...

He was talking about food! Really? That's not what I'm thinking of! Very sexy.

Anonymous said...

why is it that when i see these great tits i think of sliding?


Hubman said...

Plump and juicy indeed!

Happy HNT

His_Baby_Doll said...

how very lovely indeed....very nice my dear..


Kimberly said...

Perfect breasts, just perfect! HHNT!

Anonymous said...

well I'm loving yours too!
grat pic

Rainy said...

Nice cleavage:)

Happy Blated HNT!!!


Aurore said...

That is quite the décolletage ;) HHNT!

Chapter Two said...

I almost missed this - that would have been a shame! happy late hnt

Sheba said...

There's nothing like a nice rack to get tongues wagging, literally and figuratively ;-) Thanks for all the love guys. I am happy to report that my cravings were satisfied on Thursday by both my girlfriend and our 3rd. I guess the universe was listening.